DZD Research Successes in SYNERGIE

Under the motto “Research for Health”, the German Centers for Health Research (DZG) present in the German-language magazine SYNERGIE how their work contributes to the targeted prevention, detection and treatment of common diseases. Here you can see the articles of the DZD. The entire magazine is available online at SYNERGIE – Das Magazin der DZG (


When the Internal Clock Goes Crazy

Issue 1/2024

If the day-night rhythm is disrupted, important key points in the genetic material can be altered. Current studies show that fathers are not only putting their own health at risk, but also that of their children.

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How Artificial Hormones Make Losing Weight Easier

Issue 2/2023

A new generation of drugs may become a game changer in the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes. In this issue of the DZG magazine SYNERGIE, we present how different hormones are combined in polyagonists and how these new drugs help with weight loss.

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Losing Weight Starts in the Head

Issue 1/2023

DZD studies are intended to show how insulin sensitivity in the brain can be restored.

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How the Liver Gets Its Fat Off

Issue 2/2022

People with type 2 diabetes often also have a fatty liver. Losing weight alone is usually not enough to reduce the fat in the liver. Researchers at the DZD are working on new therapeutic approaches.

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The Blue Helmet Soldiers of the Immune System

Issue 1/2022

In people with type 1 diabetes, misdirected immune cells turn against their own body. In this interview, Prof. Carolin Daniel, immunologist at the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), explains why the immune system gets out of balance and how it can be brought back into harmony.

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Early Recognizing and Reducing the Risk of Diabetes

Issue 2/2021

How quickly a preliminary stage of diabetes (prediabetes) develops into manifest diabetes and what risks there are for complications varies greatly from patient to patient.

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Lifestyle is Reflected in the Genetic Makeup

Issue 1/2021

Even if twins grow up in the same household and eat the same food, one may develop diabetes in the course of their lives while the other is spared.

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Bioreactor, Cell Replacement or Regeneration?

Issue 2/2020

New therapy concepts for type 1 diabetes aim to restore the body's own insulin production.

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The Subtype Determines the Severity of the Disease

Issue 1/2020

Depending on the subtype, a person with diabetes has a different risk of complications such as fatty liver and damage to the eyes, nerves or kidneys.

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A Lot Helps a Lot

Issue 2/2019

Diabetes has different subtypes: This knowledge enables more precise prevention and therapy.

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Goodbye Insulin Injection?

Issue 1/2019

In type 1 diabetes, the immune system destroys the cells of the pancreas. Researchers at the DZD want to prevent this with desensitization.

Read the article (in German)